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(Stepmom, ATL, GA after a discovery call)




I wouldn't have been able to find this zen without you. I really really really really appreciate all the time you've spent replying to my dreadfully long emails. Reading your responses is one of the things I look forward to in the morning! Right there next to when I have my first cup of coffee. 

(Stepmom, Australia - E-Coaching)

You are an anointed voice to bring hope and encouragement to others. 

(Message received via email)



I'm so glad you exist for women out there who feel as lost as I have.

(Stepmom, Missouri - E-Coaching)

For years I've felt like I'm failing.

Finding you helped me to know I'm not crazy and that all stepmoms struggle. It has helped me so much. 



I'm so thankful for the insights you've provided in our coaching sessions. They have opened up so much for me. 

(Stepmom, CA)


Everything you've taught me is incredibly relatable and I've taken away many valuable lessons.

(Stepmom, London, UK)

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